Football Match Center Widget

Display all information about a specific Football Event and integrate odds in an Article, Video, or Gallery.

The Football Match Center Widget lets creators display information about a specific event in their articles, videos, and galleries.

Adding the Football Match Center Widget

To add a Football Match Center Widget to the body of your post:

  1. Select Football Widgets V2 > Football Match Center Widget

2. Configure the widget by selecting a Team and the event you wish to display:

3. Uncheck the Display main events if you want to hide the main events of the match. This will be checked by default.

4. If you want to display odds, check the Display odds box and select a bookmaker and a default market (if you do not select a market, this will allow the reader to select one).

5. To change the refresh time of the data inside the widget, use the Refresh Time field.

6. When done, select Save Block.

Preview of the Football Match Center Widget - Upcoming game

Preview of the Football Match Center Widget - Past game with Display main events checked

Preview of the Football Match Center Widget - Past game with Display main events unchecked

Next: VIDEO: How to use the Match Center Widget?